Diablo 4 skill tree imgur
Diablo 4 skill tree imgur

diablo 4 skill tree imgur

The Purveyor of curiosities is essentially D3's Kadala: You can spend a currency called Murmuring Obols to get unidentified items for a certain slot.Possible that this icon is supposed to refer to them but just hasn't been updated. There is one more marker that does appear on the map itself but not in the tooltip: The healer who just maxes out your health when talked to. The ? entry, the little bag, does not seem to actually appear as a marker on the map once in town.So it's likely that you can't refresh vendors' stock at will.

diablo 4 skill tree imgur

One thing to note is that there was a little note on a vendor saying "New Stock Delivery in xx:xx" which seemed to start counting down from 60 minutes. See below (or 2nd half of imgur album) for item info.

  • Vendors are self-explanatory: Spend gold to buy stuff or get gold for selling stuff.
  • Occultist, Salavager, Jeweller (?), Clan Bank, Personal Chest (?), ?, Purveyor of Curiosities, Stable, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Weapons Vendor, Armor Vendor, Jewelry Vendor, Scroll Vendor, Potion Vendor,
  • Each town shows the services available in it on its map tooltip.
  • We also only saw a mid-level character, so no end-game content was present at all. Much of what we saw here will likely change before release. Some things are literally marked as placeholders. Keep in mind that all this is from a clearly unfinished alpha version of the game. I'm not going to link the leaked videos here either, they're not hard to find. Image quality is all over the place because a) the video quality was, too and b) some things were only visible for a few frames. If you don't want to open twenty individual links, just scroll through this one. Here's the full imgur album of partial screengrabs which I'll be referring to throughout.

    Diablo 4 skill tree imgur